The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #41 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Communiqué from Cochabamba, Bolivia of Solidarity with Atenco's Struggle

To Our Sisters and Our Brothers of Atenco, Our Hearts and Our Voices Are in Your and Our Struggle for Justice and Liberty

By Oscar Olivera Foronda and Abraham Grandydier
National Coordinator in Defense of Water and Life

May 8, 2006
This report appears on the internet at

In Cochabamba, Bolivia, the rebel heart of our América and of the Andes, we have heard about the struggles of our brothers and sisters of Atenco, that struggle that came to be known around the world when the men, women, children, youths and elders struck down the major project of the six-year Fox administration: the plan to displace our sisters and brothers from their lands in order to build a mega-airport in Mexico City.

Just like in Cochabamba in 2000, and all over Bolivia during these last six years, we have been able to defeat governments' imposed policies and the looting of our common resources by the multinational corporations.

Because of the struggle that our brothers and sisters in Atenco are developing TODAY - led by the Peoples' Front in Defense of the Land, against the PAN, PRD and PRI parties, which with their repressive police and agents have brutally attacked the townspeople, hoping to bury the legitimate demands of the compañeros and compañeras of Atenco - our people, the National Coordinator in Defense of Water and Life, cannot remain silent.

For this reason we raise our VOICE of protest to condemn the Mexican politicians and those media at the service of those interests, and to tell our brothers and sisters that THEIR FIGHT IS OUR FIGHT, because it is, above all, a struggle for Dignity and Life.

We demand FREEDOM for all those arrested by the repressive agencies, and the immediate withdrawal of police and military troops from Atenco.

We are with you, brothers, and if this continues we are willing to mobilize here in Cochabamba and around Bolivia against the delegations of the Mexican government, to protest these actions against the lives of our brothers and sisters.

Cochabamba, Bolivia, May 6, 2006

Oscar Olivera Foronda
Abraham Grandydier

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